#27-03 [PC]MediaTomb 0.12.0リリース!!!
MediaTomb 0.12.0 releasedSVN trunkの自前ビルドもあるけど、とりあえずパッケージを入れてみるとするか。
Over a year behind schedule, but better late than never – 0.12.0 is finally released.
We had to take out a couple of features that are present in SVN, namely Weborama and Apple Trailers – both did not work correctly anymore due to sudden changes on the remote side. Nevertheless, there’s plenty of new stuff available and there is still more to come.
Let’s see when we will have the next one ready…
$ apt-cache showpkg mediatomb Package: mediatomb Versions: 0.12.0-sharlr2041 (/var/lib/apt/lists/sharl.hauN.org_a_i386_._Packages) (/var/lib/dpkg/status) Description Language: File: /var/lib/apt/lists/sharl.hauN.org_a_i386_._Packages MD5: ee4a32f6db4ec4068a5a79f8e87acacd 0.11.0-1ubuntu1 (/var/lib/apt/lists/jp.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_hardy_universe_binary-i386_Packages) Description Language: File: /var/lib/apt/lists/jp.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_hardy_universe_binary-i386_Packages MD5: ee4a32f6db4ec4068a5a79f8e87acacd Reverse Depends: Dependencies: 0.12.0-sharlr2041 - iceweasel (16 (null)) firefox (16 (null)) www-browser (0 (null)) mediatomb-daemon (2 0.12.0-sharlr2041) 0.11.0-1ubuntu1 - iceweasel (16 (null)) firefox (16 (null)) www-browser (0 (null)) mediatomb-daemon (2 0.11.0-1ubuntu1) Provides: 0.12.0-sharlr2041 - 0.11.0-1ubuntu1 - Reverse Provides:まあ、trunkとの差分を見ながらビルドするかね。
$ svn co https://mediatomb.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mediatomb/trunk/mediatomb mediatomb-0.12.0 Checked out revision 2088.