
#14-03 CentOSのlsb_releaseはどこなのさ

ぐぐってみたらredhat-lsbを入れれってのがたくさん出てくるけど、いらないものいっぱいついてくるのでminimalなのはないのですか、 とふにふにしてみたらredhat-lsb-coreですね。つい最近パッケージがsplitされたみたいなので、古いのだとないなこれは…(笑)

redhat-lsb bug fix and enhancement update
* Previously, the redhat-lsb-core subpackage was missing from the redhat-lsb
packages. Consequently, a large number of unnecessary dependencies was pulled in
when redhat-lsb was required. This update provides redhat-lsb-core, which has
minimal requirements, thus preventing this bug. (BZ#709016)


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